:D MILK + OJ + Awesomity :D
Hahahaha funny and cute! I hope you get frontpage for this!
:D MILK + OJ + Awesomity :D
Hahahaha funny and cute! I hope you get frontpage for this!
Thanks! Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky :)
Hey, guys, here's the secret:
When voldemort is zapping snake, pause. Then go to frame to frame until you see a star like thing. Click on it, and there's the bonus. :D
:P Memories
I remember seeing this like 3 years ago on potterpuppetpals.com ! 'Twas delighted when I saw it on NG.
Well, I guess it was nice you did an animation about this famous poem. But all it was was a guy telling a story. Maybe a little bit more?
Took me about 10 mins to figure out it was repeating.
'Twas worth it. :D
I stole ten of your minutes! :O
I'm not sure this is the type of stuff you'd see in Pixar movies, but it's really good.
Did you make this in flash? If so, AMAZING job! :D
YES!! Narwhals! Better than sea-otters! :D
Narwhals are great, and they make great pets too.
Just don't let them touch your balls ;)
Suprised this didn't get any awards or frontpage or anything... :P
'Twas hilarious!
Goob jawb! :D
Age 29, Male
Job? I think not.
It's on Mars.
Faaar away! :D
Joined on 2/16/09