2nd! :D
2nd! :D
Camp Crystal Lake?
This is the basic same thing as crystal lake, the intro is the same, the music is sooooo similar.
...seems like you copied off a tiny bit, there.
I wonder where you got THAT idea...
This game is basaically a knockoff of The Last Stand. It's fun, but none of it is your own ideas. I see absoloutely NO difference.
Besides that, it's fun.
LOl. Music. Shpes. Cool beans.
I really didn't like the music, it was all softy and repeating. Still, the whole concept was great.
AIEE! It burns! :O
It didn't really hypnotize me. It just kind of hurt my eyes. :P
It was still cool, so I saved it.
Yeah. I didn't really expect anyone to get hypnotized by this, but I'm glad people thought it was cool.
This is just absoloutely badass I must exclaim my love for waffles and pancakes through this game.
I love you.
Cool game.
Heres something cool: type in 1 in the load box
Seventeen bucks?
:P Cmon, I'm worth more than that! :P
Nice game
Ummm. Nice try?
Not only has it been done before, but you should at first 3 levels possible to beat so people actually want to play your game...
The funny thing is, I remember when all those games were on the front page :P
Oh and good job.
A game dedicated to finder. I like that :)
Age 29, Male
Job? I think not.
It's on Mars.
Faaar away! :D
Joined on 2/16/09